Driver Improvement, Intervention Interview, and RADEP Enrollment Forms
Below you will find enrollment forms for the Driver Improvement Program and the Intervention Interview Program (Driving Suspended.) You may download these forms. To sign up for either of these programs, bring the completed form to the Rockingham/Harrisonburg ASAP office at 350 N. Main St., Harrisonburg, VA. Payment is due at time of enrollment.
To register without appearing in person to enroll - To enroll you may also pay the enrollment fee ($30.00 for intervention interview, $75.00 for driver improvement, or $125.00 for RADEP) online by going to the payments - online tab found on the left side of this page. You must also return the appropriate enrollment form, found below, to the ASAP office. The form can be mailed to 350 North Main St., Harrisonburg, VA 22802 or emailed to psimmons or faxed to (540) 574-0340. If you have any questions regarding registration, please call (540) 434-0154 or email the office at